Wow this year like so many before it has gone by so quickly! I remember thinking time to so long to get to turning 16 or turning 21 and then once I had kids its like time picked up speed and I see my life speeding by with me just trying to hang on! My kids are growing up so fast and though it can be stressful at times, I know I will miss these days where they actually like to be home and play with Mom. In a few years I'll be begging them to spend time with me so I'm trying to enjoy it now :) I am so jealous of all those faithful bloggers who keep us with their blogs and I would love to do that but I just dont see how they fit in time to be that faithful. I do know that its a great way to make a memory of things so I'm really trying to get better at it. Lately, I see everyone saying what things they are thankful at this time of year and I have to wonder why do we save all of our thanksgiving for this one season while the rest of the year we complain and are well lets face it, a lot of times ungrateful for what we are blessed to have. This year has been tough economically for us like it has been for so many others, but yet I'm constantly reminded how truly blessed we are and how precious life really is! My Grandpa Gras passed away a few weeks ago. He lived a long full life of 94 years and I'm so thankful that he is enjoying his retirement with Jesus. It really made me think about what kind of legacy I want to leave for my children and grandchildren. My Grandpa loved everyone and never said an unkind word. He was a man of integrity and love. He was truly Christ-like and I am thankful for the example he was to his children and grandchildren. I'm thankful for the time I shared with him and am more grateful for the example he left for us to follow!